


next, we will learn about the Appointment.What is Appointment? emmhh .. immediately wrote us see what that Appointment. okey. come on.Appointment is tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.

then we will learn to make Appointment. let the sentences to make that appointment ..
 Wiil you do go out with me tonight?
 What if we go swimming this afternoon?
 I want to make an appointment to see…. (Dr. Jones)
 I’d like to make an appointment to see… (Dr. Jones)
 Can I come and see you?

next, we will learn to accept the Appointment. let's look at the sentences to accept that appointment ..
 No problem.
 It’s a deal.
 I’ll be there.
 O.K.
 What about….(Thursday)

last, we will learn to declining the appointment .let's look at the sentences to declining that appointment
 Sorry, I can’t.
 I’m sorry, I have another appointment.

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